About us

Limburg Charters Foundation

The Limburg Charters Foundation has two main objectives

  • Promoting knowledge of the cultural history of the present Dutch province of Limburg and reinforcing its cultural identity and that of its regions.
  • Creating connections between Limburg's heritage, landscape, tourism and leisure activities with a wide public reach.

Board of the foundation

  • Ad Veenhof - Chairman
  • Jan Zuidam - Secretary
  • Peter Gomolka - treasurer
  • Jan Hol - member
  • Karel Majoor - member
  • Jacques van Rensch - member (Chairman LGOG)
  • Ellen van de Ven - member
  • Lita Wiggers - advisor (director HCL)
  • Louis Berkvens
  • Theo Bovens
  • Maurice Essers
  • Camille Oostwegel sr.  
  • Theo Thuis
  • Theo Oberndorff
  • Geertrui Van Synghel
  • Michel Oosterbosch
  • Louis Berkvens
  • Maurice Essers
  • Jac Forschelen
  • Toon from Oeffelt
  • Frans Tonnaer
Latin Translation
  • Iris Denis
    Theo Ebben
  • Jan Hartmann
    Rolf Hackeng
  • Guus Janssen
Translation other languages
  • Norbert Bonenkamp
  • Peter Frambach
  • Jos Joskin
  • Jan Kessels

Current Activities

  • Providing access to the 450 Limburg charters (examining for authenticity, reading, translating, materially analysing and explaining in present-day language).
  • Incrementally building a website on which all Limburg charters can be found after some five years with clear explanations of the contents and possible connections in a wider context.
  • Publishing scholarly charter books, organising exhibitions, affixing QR code plates, and publishing findings through other analogue and digital media for public experience.
  • Contributing to educational programmes in all forms, at all levels and for all age brackets.

Our Limburg Charters Foundation has been classified by the tax authorities as a cultural ANBI institution



Beijer family
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Created by Hive Collective