The Kloosterrade collection contains 45 medieval charters of the former Kloosterrade Abbey (Rolduc). They date from 1108 to 1300.

The stories of

The Annales Rodenses, the anonymous monastic chronicle of the twelfth century
The name Annales Rodenses (=Chronicle of Kloosterrade) that the manuscript bears today dates from later times.

The foundation of Kloosterrade and its development into an abbey
Right on the present-day border between the towns of Kerkrade in the Netherlands and 's-Hertogenrade in Germany there are the buildings of Kloosterrade Abbey.

St Augustine's rule and work in pastoral care
The church reform initiated by Pope Gregory VII in the 11th century resulted, among other things, in the growing popularity of St. Augustine's Rule among clergy and laity.

The daughter monasteries
The place Ailbertus had chosen in 1104 to live a life of poverty and service dedicated to God in seclusion and solitude.

Abbot Erpo's abbatate, the first heyday of Kloosterrade
After the death of Abbot Richer in 1122 a period of internal tension and unrest began at the administrative level in Kloosterrade.

A charter that rewrote historiography
The charter, dated 7 July 1226, is at first glance an unremarkable deed and one of many examples of donations that fell to the abbey.


Beijer family